I specialize in complex relational trauma, and helping adults (25+) heal from abusive childhood experiences and/or chronic interpersonal trauma. This can include (but is not limited to) abusive power dynamics, neglect, childhood sexual abuse, physical abuse, rape and other traumatic relational and developmental patterns.
Complex relational trauma describes trauma that goes beyond a one-time incident.
It tends to:
- be repeated or ongoing
- occur within a personal relationship
- begin in childhood
Some common causes of complex relational trauma include:
- childhood abuse, bullying, violence, neglect and/or abandonment
- childhood sexual abuse
- ongoing domestic violence or abuse
- unresolved loss or trauma of parents, primary caregivers or other family members
- childhood/adult medical trauma
- childhood adoption and prematurity
- repeatedly witnessing violence or abuse
- growing up in racially and economically segregated communities
- experiences of systemic oppression, intergenerational trauma, historical trauma and/or structural violence
All trauma can produce feelings of anger, persistent sadness, and despair.
In complex relational trauma, you may also struggle with:
- feeling empty inside and lacking a sense of purpose or meaning
- flashbacks and other bodily sensations and memory triggers
- emotional numbing (can take many forms) and other attempts to avoid remembering past abuse
- difficulty experiencing emotions; struggling with highs/lows and sudden intensity of emotion
- overwhelming stress and anxiety that seems impossible to control
- seeing yourself as “bad” and having a hard time believing others truly care about you and/or being unable to see any of your strengths
- difficulty maintaining trusting and fulfilling relationships
- feeling disconnected from your body, not feeling “real” or losing track of time
- distrusting others, feeling numb and/or disconnected from yourself and others
- suicidal thoughts
- isolation, guilt, shame, and/or a feeling of being totally different from other people
- helplessness and feeling hopeless and alone
- self-harm and self-mutilation
- substance abuse, eating disorders and other addictive patterns
- chronic illness and pain
My approach is creative and flexible, and focused on exploration, emotional presence and helping you create or strengthen safe(r) places internally and externally. I often incorporate therapeutic tools and modes of expression such as art, body-oriented approaches and guided imagery into our work together.
My current training with the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSDT) includes the treatment of complex trauma, including the most current practices for trauma treatment and dissociative disorders. I continue to engage in further education, including advanced training and supervision, as well as my own personal work as a human moving through life. I look forward to supporting you!
@ Karen S. Lippitt, LCSW. All rights reserved.
Information on this website is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and does not constitute medical or mental health advice, nor is it a substitute for consultation with a qualified mental health professional.
Information on this website is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and does not constitute medical or mental health advice, nor is it a substitute for consultation with a qualified mental health professional.